Teaching for change.
We're TeamTeach, a collective of high-school students based out of Bengaluru, India. We aim to teach students subjects that are not present in traditional curriculum, enabling them to see the world from a broader viewpoint. Our mission is to show students that education isn't limited to the two ends of their textbooks, empowering them to develop a deep curiosity about the world around them.

100 hours of teaching.

100 hours of learning.

100 hours of teaching.

100 hours of teaching.

100 hours of inspiring.

100 hours.

We set out with a goal - 100 hours of inspiring students. And we've completed 100 hours. Though, 100 hours of teaching isn't a small feat. Not to us. 100 hours have meant the world to us and has enabled us to bring the world to children across Bangalore.

Here's to the first 100. And we're not stopping anytime soon.

Because we believe that change begins with education.

Teaching for change

We teach subjects not included in traditional curriculum. This enables us to go above and beyond the classroom in the education we impart, making students curious to learn more and, crucially, to do more.

Beyond the books

Our mission is to show students that education isn't limited to the two ends of their textbooks, empowering them to develop a deep curiosity about the world around them.

Teaching to inspire

Through our services, we aim to inspire students to see the world around them in a different light, one of curiosity and eagerness to learn.

Want us at your school?

Contact us via Twitter, Instagram, or email. We look forward to hearing from you!